Social Care


Loneliness should never be a part of life.

KTG Social Care understands the importance of independent living, acknowledging that isolation can be a significant issue for many. The assurance of having someone available daily can dramatically reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Our companionship services extend beyond the confines of home, encompassing assistance with weekly shopping, doctor's appointments, or attending social gatherings, ensuring you or your loved ones stay connected and engaged.

The team at KTG is dedicated to providing support tailored to your and your family's needs, offering a helping hand wherever necessary.

  • Outings and Adventures: Don't allow limited mobility to restrict your enjoyment of life's pleasures, from cafe visits and garden centers to dining out or enjoying picnics in the park.
  • Appointment Assistance: Whether it's a medical appointment, a dental visit, or a shopping trip, accompanying you is not just our job but our delight.
  • Engaging Conversations & Memory Sharing: Conversation is a powerful tool for stress relief, and laughter is key to well-being. Enjoy sharing tales with those who genuinely enjoy listening.
  • Creative Arts and Crafts: Dive into your artistic side with us by your side. Who knows? Together, we might just craft a masterpiece.
  • Support with Your Hobbies: Whether your passion lies in knitting, walking, reading, dancing, or gardening, we're here to support you in continuing these activities.
  • Active Lifestyle Assistance: Stay active with our assistance, whether you're into aerobics, yoga, or any other sport or activity you love.

Contact Us

How Can We Help You Today?

Our team is here to assist you and answer all the questions you might have. Please send us a message, and we will reply as soon as possible.